This is the


run by the Amazongarden Children.


The Sembradores ( "planters” or “ sowers”) were established in 1990 in Bolivia by a group of kids in an art class by Daniel Dalai. They wanted to save their local biodiversity. They planted trees and cleaned up pollution. The teams grew, recruiting visiting tourists to help them. But despite praise from as high as the president of Bolivia, who visited the teams, their efforts were mostly in vain, as there was no real interest by the local authorities. The kids wanted to create a society of sustainable-beauty. This 37 page website, made between 1998 and 2002, is their presentation of a perfect formula for saving the biosphere, raising the self esteem of local children with the internet audience for back-up. It planted the seeds of a culture which, unlike the failures of the world governments and their wasteful Copenhagen fiascos, did indeed reverse the destruction of the forest. This was BOLIVIA'S FIRST WEBSITE TO THE WORLD in the early days of the internet. It’s a chronicle of the heroic efforts of the children of Bolivia ignored by the world press.

Below, kids from a small rural village experience a PC for the first time. The computer, loaded with useful programs, was donated to the Sembradores by a kind-hearted engineer.

Angelica, first secretary of the Sembradores and founder of the Court of the Princess in 1991.

Below Early members with pet monkey.

Every day, banner-painting featured the awesome animal species of Bolivia.

Where life is simple and relaxed, kids plant the seeds of a new society. A NEW CULTURE IS BORN !

Above, Luci, who came up with the idea for this website, shows snake to her friends.

GO TO OUR NEXT PAGE (index-27.html):WARNING: If you're in a crime-creating society conditioned to associate beautiful healthy human beings with crime instead of inspiration and admiration, the images on this website may cause anxiety.
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